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Friday, April 29, 2016
Aberration in the Heartland of the Real The Secret Lives of Timothy McVeigh
Opperman Report
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Wendy S. Painting holds a PhD in American Studies from the University of Buffalo. Her extensive investigatory research into Timothy McVeigh and the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing has been credited in various published works, including Roger Charles’ 2012 publication: OKC: What The Investigation Missed and Why It Matters. Painting co-authored and co-produced the 2011 documentary film, A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995. The film exposes information never before brought to the attention of the American public. Painting works as a freelance investigatory researcher, college history teacher and is currently working on a second book, REDACTED.
The Opperman Report | iHeartRadio
Wendy S. Painting holds a PhD in American Studies from the University of Buffalo. Her extensive investigatory research into Timothy McVeigh and the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing has been credited in various published works, including Roger Charles’ 2012 publication: OKC: What The Investigation Missed and Why It Matters. Painting co-authored and co-produced the 2011 documentary film, A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995. The film exposes information never before brought to the attention of the American public. Painting works as a freelance investigatory researcher, college history teacher and is currently working on a second book, REDACTED.
Book Facebook Fan Page: secretlivesmcveigh/
Videos Made: A Noble Lie:
Oklahoma City 1995 (Free
Mind Films, 2011)
Holland Vandennieuwenhof is an
Oklahoma native and assisted the Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee in
their efforts to uncover and expose evidence being suppressed by authorities
who were invested in the official story. He served as Dr. Wendy Painting's
partner in a number of investigative assignments and co-wrote and co-produced
with her an award-winning documentary on the bombing. Holland served in the
U.S. Marines as an infantryman, is a former radio talk show himself and has
been a frequent guest on hundreds of programs covering a variety of topics
including the OKC bombing. Holland currently works at Brave New Books, the
world's only underground conspiracy bookstore, in Austin, TX. http://www.bravenewbookstore. com/
Videos Made: A Noble Lie:
Oklahoma City 1995 (Free
Mind Films, 2011)
startling new biographical details about Timothy McVeigh and exposing
stark contradictions and errors contained in previous depictions of the
"All-American Terrorist," this book traces McVeigh's life from childhood
to the Army, throughout the plot to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Federal
Building and the period after his 1995 arrest until his 2001 execution.
life, as author Wendy Painting describes it, offers a backdrop for her
discussion of not only several intimate and previously unknown details
about him, but a number of episodes and circumstances in American
History as well, including Cold War popular culture, all-American
apocalyptic fervor, organized racism, contentious politics, militarism,
warfare, conspiracy theories, bioethical controversies, mind control,
the media's construction of villains and demons, and institutional
secrecy and cover-ups.
of these stories are examined, compared, and tested in Aberration in
the Heartland of the Real, making this book a much closer examination
into the personality and life of Timothy McVeigh than has been provided
by any other biographical work about him.
Pacific West Bamboo is a U.S. owned distributor of Guadua Bamboo, and is
located in Beaverton, Oregon with a satellite warehouse in Southern
California. Working directly with the grower, Guadua Bamboo SA in
Columbia, Pacific West Bamboo was started in 2014 to provide high
quality Guadua Bamboo material and products to the Pacific Northwest
region of the United States.
Who is STRAWMAN? We are three Torontonian ‘thought criminals’ – JP, Joe and Duff. With a keen sense of humour, we love to create and perform progressive music. Why the name STRAWMAN? Well we all have one – to find yours you need look no further than at your birth certificate or at the all-caps name on your phone bill. A STRAWMAN represents you and me, however, it’s an entirely different incorporated identity that you may not even know exists. Our music looks to bring meaning to this faceless entity.
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Saturday, April 9, 2016
Leonard Ulrich : NWO, Illusion of Money
Leonard Ulrich : NWO, Illusion of Money
Ulrich provides us with history lessons
that will convince us conspiracies are real,
and that the USA is falling prey to illuminati
in our allegiance to a zionist war on terror
just like the Christians fell for the Nazis
in their frenzy to stop communism .
. JFKennedy and George Washington
believed in a global illuminati conspiracy;
28% of USA believe that a secret elite power
with a globalist agenda
is conspiring to rule the world.
. Ulrich provides evidence that every USA war
has been motivated by lies, falseflag attacks,
and deliberate self-sacrifices or gambits
all to popularize wars that will profit only the
international bankers and military contractors
-- wars that will boa-constrict us into WWIII
and then into the one-world governance;
because, only one government survives that
that will convince us conspiracies are real,
and that the USA is falling prey to illuminati
in our allegiance to a zionist war on terror
just like the Christians fell for the Nazis
in their frenzy to stop communism .
. JFKennedy and George Washington
believed in a global illuminati conspiracy;
28% of USA believe that a secret elite power
with a globalist agenda
is conspiring to rule the world.
. Ulrich provides evidence that every USA war
has been motivated by lies, falseflag attacks,
and deliberate self-sacrifices or gambits
all to popularize wars that will profit only the
international bankers and military contractors
-- wars that will boa-constrict us into WWIII
and then into the one-world governance;
because, only one government survives that
Saturday Afternoon LIVE!!! 5:00 PM PST 4/9/16
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The Opperman
American Freedom Radio (Unavailable Due To Technical Difficulties)
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The Opperman Report
Monday, April 4, 2016
Guest Host William Ramsey ;John Hankey- George Bush Sr. Murder of JFK & JFK Jr.
Guest Host William Ramsey ; John Hankey- George Bush Sr. Murder of JFK & JFK Jr. 
John Hankey is the leading expert on the evidence connecting George Bush
Sr. to the murder of John Kennedy. He is also the leading expert on the
murder of JFK Jr. His documentaries on these topics, Dark Legacy, and
Dark Legacy II, are available on Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon, the Apple
Store, and his website, "Romney Exposed" is
available on YouTube
Saturday Afternoon LIVE!!! 5:00 PM PST 4/2/16
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The Opperman
American Freedom Radio - Listen Live
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The Opperman Report
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Dawn Shiller The Road Through Wonderland: Surviving John Holmes
Dawn Schiller was fifteen years old in 1976, when her family moved into an apartment complex managed by 32- year-old porn star John Holmes. Holmes courted Dawn, had sex with her, and manipulated her with drugs and alcohol. Holmes physically and emotionally abused Dawn for several years while prostituting her on the streets of Hollywood, brothels and to drug dealers. After the famed Wonderland murders in 1981, they fled to Florida, where she ultimately broke free and turned him over to the police.
For more than fifteen years, Dawn has been a survivor leader in the anti-trafficking, domestic violence and sexual assault movements as a speaker, trainer, and author. She has worked as an associate producer and consultant on the movie “Wonderland” where she was portrayed by actress Kate Bosworth and John Holmes was played by actor Val Kilmer. Dawn taught women’s studies and activism at Oregon State University and has developed national presentations titled “Our Throwaway Teens – Who Are They and How Can We Help?” and “The Faces of Trafficking—Combating Sexual Exploitation of Youth in America,” that seeks to raise awareness of the vulnerabilities of a teen who grows up in an abusive and neglected environment. She educates audiences on what a teen might be experiencing internally when targeted and groomed by a predator, how to identify a young victim in trouble, pedophile/pimp seduction techniques, the use of drugs to manipulate and trap a victim, and the multiple ways she was trafficked. She gives an inside view of what it’s like to be a vulnerable, or “throwaway” teen and how we, as a community, can help.
Dawn is also, the proud parent of a beautiful daughter. She earned her undergraduate degree summa cum laude in 2012 at Eastern Oregon University with honors in communication and gender studies. She served on the committee to revise the University’s Sexual Harassment Policy and received the Women of Vision and Courage award from the President’s Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW). After gaining a full tuition teaching fellowship from Oregon State University she will defend her Master of Arts in Women’s Studies in the Spring 2016. She has served as a board member for Shelter From the Storm, has founded the non-profit E.S.T.E.A.M., (Empowering Successful Teens through Education, Awareness & Mentoring), dedicated to assisting teens that are struggling to find a safe and successful path to adulthood and developed the “Mirrors of Me” girl’s art, writing and mentoring camp for at-risk and marginalized youth.
Nationally, Dawn is a consultant with the U.S. Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center (TTAC.) She sits on the Education Committee and is an advisory board member for the National Center of Victims of Crime out of Washington, D.C., The Americans Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center and Voices Set Free. She is a member of the National Survivor Network (NSN) and Survivor 2 Survivor (S2S) for trafficking victims. She has represented Val Kilmer in New York for the Volvo For Life Awards in both 2006 and 2008. Most importantly, Dawn spent over six years completing her memoir, The Road Through Wonderland, detailing her journey of survival (August 2010, Medallion Press.) Nominated for the R.O.S.E.
(Regaining Ones Self Esteem) award in 2007, 2008, and 2009, and the Sunshine Peace Award 2010. Dawn is an active member in her recovery program and celebrates 18 years clean and sober in 2016.
Dawn shares her compelling story of abuse, trafficking and survival in her presentations and trainings to inspire and motivate communities across the United States. For information on Dawn, her book, or to have Dawn speak at your event, please contact her at
AVAILABLE NOW! Autographed books:
"The Road Through Wonderland" by Dawn Schiller. 10% of your purchase
will be directly donated to help organize our third "Mirrors of Me"
Girls Art, Writing and Mentoring Camp.
Opperman Report
Saturday Afternoon LIVE!!! 5:00 PM PST 3/19/16
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