Thursday, June 26, 2014

Timothy Charles Holmseth “In Re: Caylee Anthony (the shocking truth explained)”.

Opperman Report
Friday Night 5 PM PST 6/27/2014 &
The Opperman Report | Spreaker - Be Heard
REPLAY Monday Night 6 PM PST
AwakeRadio.US AwakeRadio.UK
Replay Tuesday % SundayNight
Replay Wednesday Night
COMING SOON! iHeard Radio !


Timothy Charles Holmseth is a former news reporter and investigative journalist from Minnesota. He has received first place awards from the North Dakota Newspaper Association for his writing and reporting.

Now an investigative author – Timothy has written two books including his latest e-book “In Re: Caylee Anthony (the shocking truth explained)”.

In 2009, Timothy interviewed all the principle players in the kidnapping of HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings. In 2010, the Jacksonville FBI requested the Minneapolis FBI interview Timothy and obtain some of his audio interviews after receiving valuable tips from Timothy that were leading them to the missing child.

Between 2009 and 2014, Timothy has had life threatened if did not shut down his publication and stop writing about the HaLeigh/Caylee case. He has also been told the government will take his child away if he doesn’t stop exposing the wrong people.

In 2012, armed officers of the East Grand Forks (Minnesota) Police Department raided Timothy’s home office wearing bullet proof vests and seized all of his journalism equipment – including his 320 GB hard-drive. It was held at un-disclosed location for months and illegally searched without a warrant. No ‘Chain of Evidence” or “Record of Examination” was kept by the police department. A deputy testified in court he searched the hard-drive but found nothing illegal on it. When the police gave the hard drive back it didn’t work anymore.

In June of 2014, Timothy released a book on Kindle - “In Re: Caylee Anthony (the shocking truth explained) and submitted a detailed letter to the FBI detailing what he believes likely caused the death of Caylee Anthony, and explains how HaLeigh Cummings was used to cover it up.

Timothy is the proud father of two beautiful daughters and an awesome son.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Update: Las Vegas Walmart Shooters Story and Broadcasts Interferance

Opperman Report
The Opperman Report | Spreaker - Be Heard,, AwakeRdaio.US

Meet the Millers:  A story about Informants, Politicians, Cop Killers and Bundy Ranch Strangeness

Update on my reporting on the Las Vegas Walmart shooters and alleged cop killers, Amanda and Jerad Miller.

I began my investigation into this story on Wed June 11, 2014 when I learned that several local politicians that I am acquainted with had personal first hand contact with the Millers.

Since that time I have personally interviewed:
Howard Scheff , 2014 Independent American candidate for District 42 of the Nevada State Assembly.
Detective Gordon Martines candidate for Sheriff of Clark County 2014
David Lory VanDerBeek , Lic Family Therapist and NV Candidate for Governor 2104 
Aj  Maimbourg a local political campaign manager 
On Thursday June 12 I recorded a 2 hour interview for my weekly radio show The Opperman Report 
which normally airs  live on Friday night 5 PM PST on and 

In this two hour interview the following information was obtained from the above listed first hand witnesses:

The Millers traveled to NV, selling all their belongings, to work on the VanderBeek for Govorner Campaign.
The Millers never appeared violent or extreme to any of the guests. But were "flakey pot head types".
The Millers told Det Martines that Jerad was a felon with previous "MURDER CONVICTION".
None of the guests have ever been interviewed by LVMPD about their contact with and information about the Millers.
Mr VanderBeek was the subject of a media smear campaign to link his campaign to the Millers.
It was the impression of Det Martines that the Millers were a scripted event, pawns used to discredit their campaigns and other issues of police and political corruption he was attempting to spotlight with his campaign.

 Following this interview I immediately uploaded the audio file to my audio engeneer as well as a producer at AwakeRadio.US for imediate airing. However it was discovered that the audio file was blank. Something that has never happened before in the use if this recording equipmant.
A previous interview I had conducted with Det Martines is available at this link where he describes the political and police corruption and coverups.

In the interest of making this story public I contacted the John B Wells Show, to arange an interview with these guests. We scheduled an interview with myself and the group for Monday June 16 2014 at 11 AM PST.

We immediately ran into extraordinary audio issues as well as issues witt the phone system getting all the guests on line at the same time. We worked on that interview from 11 AM until 9 PM PST.

In that interview new information was revealed. According to Mr Howard Scheff, who was involved in the removal of the Millers from Bundy Ranch. Jerad Miller was a source of the rumor of a Govt Drone attack at the Bundy Ranch.

People familiar with the Bundy Ranch saga will be aware that the rumor of drone attacks at the ranch was the initial cause of the agitation between the Oathkeepers and Militia at the ranch. It has been reported that this conflict between these two groups included weapons being drawn.

The next day we found out that the video portion of this John B Wells interview was unusable.

We attempted a second 4 hour interview the next day. Again with phone issues, audio issues and guest scheduling issues. But we powered on and through all these obstacles to get the story on record

Below is a sample recording of that interview. In this sample you can hear what the guests heard. You can hear the loud distortion of John B Wells that made the interview difficult and extremely painful.
It was revealed in this interview that the Millers were police informants and gave at least two witness statements to local police.

After that interview I sent the audio file to my production staff via the Opperman Report Google Drive. The next day that file was missing from the drive.

Since this time my staff at Opperman Report are convinced that our computers are under outside interference and surveillance.

Paypal Donations are appreciated to continue the pursuit of the truth in this story

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Cisco Streetlove : Yesterday's Shame: The Atlanta Child Murders (Second Hour)

Opperman Report
Friday Night 5 PM PST 6/20/2014 &
The Opperman Report | Spreaker - Be Heard
REPLAY Monday Night 6 PM PST
AwakeRadio.US AwakeRadio.UK
Replay Tuesday Night
Replay Wednesday Night

Cisco Streetlove :  Yesterday's Shame: The Atlanta Child Murders

Cisco StreetLove is a writer, who currently resides in Metro Atlanta. A near victim of suspected pederasty as a child, He is an advocate for the safety of minors. He's currently working on a sci-fi novel: America the Unexpected, that will be available on soon.

Cynthia Mckinney Returns (First Hour)

Opperman Report
Friday Night 5 PM PST 6/20/2014 Studio A &
The Opperman Report | Spreaker - Be Heard
REPLAY Monday Night 6 PM PST
AwakeRadio.US AwakeRadio.UK
Replay Tuesday Night
Replay Wednesday Night 

 Cynthia McKinney

Opperman Report very proud to welcome back Fmr Congresswoman and Presidential candidate Cynthia Mckinney to discuss her studies of assassinations and MKULTRA govt mind control programs.

Here's the broadcast of Cynthia Mckinny's last appearance!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Stephen Singular: Legacy of Deception: An Investigation of Mark Fuhrman and Racism in the LAPD (Hour 2)

Opperman Report
Friday Night 5 PM PST 6/13/2014 &
The Opperman Report | Spreaker - Be Heard
REPLAY Monday Night 6 PM PST
AwakeRadio.US AwakeRadio.UK
Replay Tuesday Night
Replay Wednesday Night 

Stephen Singular:  Legacy of Deception: An Investigation of Mark Fuhrman and Racism in the LAPD 
 Legacy of Deception: An Investigation of Mark Fuhrman and Racism in the LAPD

In the early of investigating the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Lyle Goldman, L.A.P.D. Homicide Detective Mark Fuhrman uncovered evidence destined to become the cornerstone of the prosecution's case in the trial of O.J. Simpson. But as the elaborate legal epic unfolded, Fuhrman himself-his character and professional conduct - far overshadowed the impact of his evidence. What emerged in the public eye, though shielded from the eyes of the jurors, was an appalling history of planting evidence, beating up suspects, virulent racism and anti-Semitism acted out behind the safety of a badge. While the defense attempted to capitalize on the heavily publicized information about Fuhrman, prosecutors scrambled to maintain courtroom focus on the actual defendant.

Meanwhile, journalist Stephen Singular took on the task of infiltrating the police department crime lab in search of the truth. What he discovered earned him a starring role on the glittery defense team as he outlined for them a means of proving that the defendant's blood actually could have been planted at the crime scene. With this demonstration as a springboard, the defense scored a victory that astonished the entire world. But had a renegade cop actually planted the blood or not?

In Legacy of Deception, Stephen Singular disassembles the wall of deception constructed by the L.A.P.D. to reveal a scenario far more sinister than anything that emerged in the course of the trial chilling proof that true innocence was rare or nonexistent in this nightmarish case.

Pulitzer Prize Nominated Sheryl McCollum Director, Cold Case Investigative Research Institute (First Hour)

Opperman Report
Friday Night 5 PM PST 6/13/2014 &
The Opperman Report | Spreaker - Be Heard
REPLAY Monday Night 6 PM PST
AwakeRadio.US AwakeRadio.UK
Replay Tuesday Night
Replay Wednesday Night  


Pulitzer Prize Nominated Sheryl McCollum Director, Cold Case Investigative Research Institute

Sheryl McCollum began her career with training at the Rape Crisis Center at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, GA.  At this center, she received some of her best hands on training and contact with victims. She went on to work for the Department of Corrections, the Secretary of State and an internship with the FBI during the Pan American Games in Indianapolis, IN.
Her training and education led her to the Crime Commission and an assignment with Operation Weed and Seed, a federal task force that combines federal, state and local law enforcement to combat crime in dangerous areas.

During the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, Sheryl was the Coordinator of a state wide response team formed to assist victims of crime during the games.  When a bomb was detonated at the Olympic site, Sheryl and her team were on the scene within 45 minutes giving aid to over 100 victims.
Along with becoming the State Director of Mothers Against Driving, Sheryl attained the rank of Captain in the Special Ops Division of the Reserve Unit with the Fulton County, GA Sheriff’s Office, and was the Director of police training in the Atlanta District Attorney’s Office under their Domestic Violence Project.

While Sheryl was investigating for Cobb County, GA Juvenile Court, she began teaching college part time.  She became an International Law Enforcement Trainer for the Department of State.  She had the opportunity to create two Cold Case Squads after attending the prestigious Henry Lee Institute and recently completed training as a Crime Scene Tech for the state of GA, providing value to her position with Pine Lake Police Department Cold Case Squad.

With over 25 years of experience and education,  Sheryl  is currently the Director of the Cold Case Investigative Research Institute, which is a collaboration between Auburn University Montgomery, Faulkner University and Bauder College.  This collaboration brings together researchers, practitioners, students and the criminal justice community to develop new capabilities and work collectively to advance research, training and techniques in solving cold cases.  The objectives of CCIRI are to provide the means, resources and guidance for Criminal Justice students throughout all Kaplan Higher Education to determine the solvability of actual unsolved crimes.

"Join us for Wine and Crime series where we get the general public to help us "work" a case! They bring the wine we bring the crime and they give suggestions - its a fundraiser for the Cold Case Inst - it's $25 per person and they to meet all the experts from CNN, HLN like Alex Manning, DeWayne Thompson and Holly Hughes" - Sheryl McCollum

Check out her first appearance on the show last year. Be sure to LIKE and FOLLOW us on

Thursday, June 12, 2014

UPDATE: LV Walmart Shooter TRUTH: Gov and Sheriff Candidates, Vanderbeek & Martines Speak Out

UPDATE: On 6/12/14, The Opperman Report scheduled an interview of three local Vegas residents and political figures. The initial plan was to broadcast the interview live on Spreaker and provide the podcast to various Opperman Report affiliates to play later that evening and during the week. Even with the help of a seasoned broadcaster and technical engineer that has spent years in the music industry we were unable to get the spreaker broadcast operational. Even after 4 1/2 hours of work.
We then decided to just record the pod cast and provide it to the affiliates.

In trying to establish the broadcast we experienced technical difficulties in establishing a phone connection with the three guests that caused a 12minute delay in the start of the interview.
This type of technical difficulty with the phone connection is unprecidented.

After establishing the phone connection we began the recording of the interview using the same routine procedures we have used to record hundreds of skype conversations, broadcasts, radio shows and interviews.

After the show I passed along the file to my production staff as usual but in this one and only instance the file was empty. There was an unexplained malfunction of the recording.
We had a perfectly fine working recording of the testing of Spreaker and a perfectly fine recording of tests of the equipment after the show. The one and only file that had a problem was the one of the interview.

I believe it is important to make a record that a great portion of this interview dealt with the guests describing incidents of computer and electronic interference. 

The Opperman Report apologizes for the inconvenience to our guests and our audience and we extend an open invitation to our guests to rebook at their convenience.

On Monday there will be an appearance of these guests and myself, Ed Opperman on the John B Wells Show,

Special Opperman Report
LIVE Thursday Night 6 PM PST 6/12/201
The Opperman Report | Spreaker - Be Heard
Replay &
REPLAY Monday Night 6 PM PST
AwakeRadio.US AwakeRadio.UK
Replay Tuesday Night
Replay Wednesday Night 
Las Vegas Walmart Shooter TRUTH: Gov and Sheriff Candidates, Vanderbeek & Martines Speak Out

Opperman Report: SPECIAL REPORT ! BREAKING NEWS! - In an exclusive interview  Nevada candidate for Governor  David Vanderbeek, Ret LVMPD and candidate for Clark County Sheriff, Gordon Martines, will be joined by their campaign manager Aj Maimbourg to give their first hand account of their interactions with the Las Vegas Walmart shooters  Jerad and Amanda Miller.

This will be an unedited no holds barred interview with local Las Vegas residents that have first hand knowledge of the shooters.

My exclusive interview with these first hand witnesses will cover their initial meetings with the millers, their impressions, their experience with the Millers at Bundy ranch, their reactions to the Millers and their experiences , including death threats and harassment, since the death of the Millers and the LVMP officers.

This exclusive interview can only be heard LIVE TONIGHT on The Opperman Report Spreaker Channel but will be available throughout the week on all of the usual Opperman Report affiliate stations listed above.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Hank Harrison : Courtney Love , Kurt Cobain, Grateful Dead and MORE!!!!

Opperman Report
LIVE Friday Night 5 PM PST 6/6/2014 &
The Opperman Report | Spreaker - Be Heard
REPLAY Monday Night 6 PM PST 
AwakeRadio.US AwakeRadio.UK

Harrison was no hippy drug addict or pothead burnout. He always looked clean. In fact he was a trained shrink. The first time I saw him he was wearing a searsucker suit and a bow tie and was carrying an attache case. I could venture a guess that Harrison was a CIA operative or a Saul Alinsky graduate in charge of organizing bands.
David Crosby

His book: Love Kills: The Assignation of Kurt Cobain
Can only be bought through him because all avenues of publication have been shut down.  Email:


G.H. "Hank" Harrison

Hank Harrison is a writer and publisher with a deep interest in Medieval History, the Celts, Neolithic Archaeology, the Star Mounds, archaic astronomy, Hermetism and sacred geometry. He began writing about human and animal psychology in graduate school in 1962. Since founding the Arkives Press in 1967, Hank has been a frequent guest on hundreds of national and international television and radio shows, including Katherine Cryer on Court TV, Geraldo Rivera and Maury Povitch. He has also appeared across Canada on CBC Radio highlighted by a historical appearance on the Jane Hauten Show. He is featured several times each year on American radio and television shows including, Tom Likus, Allen Handelman and numerous local shows.
Media Appearances

In pursuit of his work he has appeared on America's Most Wanted, Hard Copy, the National Enquirer, American Journal, Inside Edition, Unsolved Mysteries and A Current Affair and on similar radio and television talk shows in Europe. His entry in Who's Who in America and Who's Who in the World began with the 1976 edition.

Hank is featured in the controversial documentary film: Kurt & Courtney, by British filmmaker Nick Broomfield and in the well-known educational documentary LSD: 25. Both films were released on Video and DVD and shown on Showtime, HBO and over the BBC channels. Likewise he was featured in books such as Who Killed Kurt Cobain (1997) by Max Wallace and Queen of Noise (1996) by Melissa Rossi. In the early years of his career (1965-1976) he was mentioned in The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe and was featured in Time, Life, Newsweek and the New York Times for his pioneering work with Drug Abuse intervention programs.

Hank spent an idyllic childhood on Cannery Row and the beaches of Pacific Grove before relocating to the San Francisco Bay Area in 1949. He attended Hayward High School, the College of San Mateo, San Jose State and San Francisco State University. He has lived and taught in Canada, England, Holland and Ireland. While in Ireland he worked as a consultant for the Irish department of labor. He is the author of seven books, and over 200 magazine & journal articles.

Hank holds a degree in Psychology from San Francisco State University and has attended postgraduate classes in anthropology and various seminars at Stanford. He also studied urban cultural experiments at the University of Amsterdam and is privileged to have studied renaissance and medieval topics with the late Dame Frances Yates at the Warburg Institute, London.

Awards & Honors

In 1968 he was awarded a scholarship to the Rocky Mountain Writer's Conference. In 1974 he was writer in residence at Montalvo Center for the Arts, Saratoga, California and won a six-month journalism residency in Las Vegas as feature editor for the Las Vegas Sun. In 1984 he attended the prestigious Stanford Publications course on a grant from Applied Materials Corporation. The first two books of his trilogy on the social history of the Grateful Dead have exceeded 300,000 copies in sales worldwide and have been translated into Portuguese, (Brazil) German, French and Dutch. A mass-market paperback was released in England. The long awaited Vol. 3, Dead End is in preparation.


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